How I Disappeared
As wondrous and monstrous as it can be, New York City is a living being who collects, preserves and destroys people’s dreams. Is this city the memory of the future or the desire for the past? How I Disappeared rediscovers the cityscape with memories, desire, intimate moments and expands the discussion of urbanism into cyberspace.
How I Disappeared is a collaborative multimedia puppetry show co-conceived by five Chinese female new immigrant artists: Qingan Zhang, Yuexing Sun, Ningyi Zhang, Jiaoyang Li and Tianding He, with original live music by John Tsung, digital puppetry designed by Brian Ellis and projection designed by Euxuan Ong. Inspired by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, devisers weave their poetic and personal urban life experiences in NYC with various styles, scales and materials of puppetry.
只身提着装满足迹的行李箱,来到叫做纽约的地方,这座城市,究竟是我未来的记 忆,还是我过去的渴望?这座城市充满危险与紧迫,每个人用冰吹起泡泡罩住自己,身体靠得越近,头脑越远离,直到有人入侵。纽约客在最危险的地方,安睡,做梦,一重又一重,从不曾醒来。纽约这座城建立在漂浮的海面上,每片浪花都在对人造奇迹高谈阔论,却从未觉察,斗转星移,水升起,陆坠下。《我如何隐没》由五位来自中国的女性艺术家集体创作,结合卡尔维诺的著作《看不见的城市》,讲述她们真实经历的城市故事。
About CHUANG Stage: Founded in 2018, CHUANG Stage is the first Mandarin-English bilingual, bicultural theater company nationwide. CHUANG Stage envisions a future in the American theatre moved forward by theater artists and audiences of Asian descent, through producing new works that contribute to language and spatial justice, equity and accessibility, global perspectives, anti-racist practices, immigrant visibility, and care for the community.
CHUANG Stage是位于波士顿地区的双语跨文化戏剧公司,致力于打造突破旧定义、延伸中美与亚美之间艺术语言共通点的张力新戏剧,推动海内外亚裔艺术家创作,成为与“世界公民”观众一同成长的国际艺术新社群。
Director: Tianding He
Co-directors/Devisers/Performers: Jiaoyang Li, Ningyi Zhang, Qingan Zhang, Yuexing Sun
Sounds and Music: John Tsung
Graphic and Scenic Designer: Euxuan Ong
Creative Coder: Brian Ellis
Producer: Yaqi Liu
Stage Manager: Siyin Yan
Produced by CHUANG Stage
Until further notice, all patrons attending HERE performances and events will be required to wear masks (KN95 or KF94 masks are strongly recommended).
Proof of vaccination is no longer required.
We ask all audience members to please stay home if they have a sore throat, are feeling sick in any other way, or have been recently exposed to COVID-19, and to please contact the box office for refunds or exchanges.
All of our performers, technicians, and staff members are required to be fully vaccinated and masked unless they are onstage performing. Additionally, they are participating in an active testing regimen to keep everyone as safe as possible.
HERE reserves the right to revise protocols as the rate of transmission changes and in light of new scientific data that may present itself.
August 16-18, 7pm