Photo by Kate Enman
Photo by Kate Enman

The McCarthy Era

Feb 26

A dystopia between or beyond the surreal and the transcendent; the human condition in imagined realities. The McCarthy Era is not a biopic, it is not a historical document, but it is based on facts. The research into who McCarthy was, and what his namesake did to a country led me to consider Politics and the undeniable anxiety and influence of Popular Culture. Anne Bogart purports that the theatre community in the United States was stuck by a cataclysmic event: McCarthyism and that this political attack forced artists to radically alter or adjust their lives and values. Our production wonders if this is true.

Approx Run Time: 35 min

Feb 26
as part of HERE RAW / Resident Artist Works

Wed @ 7pm
On a Shared Bill with Marie It’s Time

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Raja Feather Kelly | the feath3r theory