837 Venice Boulevard
HERE@Home Screening: JULY 29 @7PM on Facebook Live
837 Venice Boulevard is about the impossibility of a consistent self. As an adolescent perhaps you tried on identities like jackets until one fit. Or maybe you never found one that fit but that “misfit” also became an identity.
With some irreverence towards social stereotypes, 837 Venice Boulevard attempts to simultaneously poke fun at and transcend the construct of identity. The performers play “themselves” — a charming but ultimately confusing acting job — as they weave through manipulative relationships, dark childhood memories, funny but sad psychological breakdowns, and intentionally bad dance routines.
Driscoll asks: How dependent is who you are on how others see you? How do you look to your memories to define who you are now? Are you attempting to fit into the tight space of being a “you “ to please “me”? And if so what does it really mean to beat up on your self?
837 Venice Boulevard is a rigorous physical exploration of these questions, using absurdity and insane humor to illuminate how exhausting it is to have to keep being somebody all the time. Ultimately, the work fantasizes that the real “you” and real “me” might truly be larger than all of “it.”
837 Venice Boulevard played from November 13-22, 2008 in the Mainstage Theatre.