Red Fly Blue Bottle
A clock explodes. A man departs for destinations unknown. Hypnotic songs fill up an empty house as a lone woman peers through her microscope.
A theatrical event that bridges concert, cabinet of curiosities, and video installation, Red Fly challenges how we listen, look, and remember. ided by an elderly entomologist and a young doppelganger straight out of silent film, composer/performer Christina Campanella spins a sonic web that traces a young woman’s discovery of her companion’s deployment to a secret war and the steps she takes to make sense of his absence.
Staged as a concert that unfolds within a densely layered video installation, this innovative new work delivers a rich aural and visual experience. Here, the familiar is made strange: Tightly crafted songs emerge from an evocative terrain of found sounds, ticking clocks, and analog tone generators. Miniature noir films are projected onto floating surfaces and live and pre-made video animates still objects. Red Fly/Blue Bottle explores the mediating effects of memory and how we use the power of our imagination to surmount that which we have lost.
Red Fly/Blue Bottle is being presented through the HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP), which provides development, commissions and full production support.