Still from MadeHERE
Still from MadeHERE

For the issue of Creative Real Estate, MADE HERE explores performing artists rehearsing in bank vaults, taking over Best Buy stores, and living in converted warehouses. Performing artists have always breathed life into New York, and as the city evolves, so does their role within it. From the birth of Off-Broadway in the ‘50s, to the controversial performance art of the ‘80s, to the East Village squatters in the ‘90s, to the Williamsburg, DUMBO and Bushwick migrations – artists have been an integral factor in the cultural dynamism of the city’s fabric. Despite their crucial role in neighborhood renewal and sustainability throughout the five boroughs, New Yorkers in the performing arts have a storied history of struggling to support their commitment to create complex live art in one of the fastest-moving and competitive cities in the world.

Seeking Space
Finding space to rehearse and perform in New York City’s competitive real estate market can be daunting. Whether they are scraping together rent, fixing up a raw warehouse, or foregoing walls altogether, nomadic artists have been challenged and inspired by the creative pursuit of space.

Artistic Homes
Securing permanent space in New York City changes the work and lives of performing artists. From lobbying congressmen for funding to fixing leaky ceilings, artistic homes require a new set of skills and impact the artistic process in subtle and striking ways.

Uncommon Sites
New York performing artists have a talent for finding, fixing-up, and fighting for space in unlikely places. When traditional theaters don’t fit the bill, these artists can be found in abandoned banks, walk-up apartments, and even an unwitting Best Buy.

For the issue of Day & Night Jobs, MADE HERE explores performing artists and the myriad things they have to do to support their art. Specific employment-related data about performing artists are scarce, but we refer to 2000 U.S. Census data and the 2008 NEA report on Artists in the Workforce. Artists are twice as likely to have earned a college degree as other members of the U.S. labor force, though they receive relatively less financial compensation for their educational level. Artists are 3.5 times more likely to be self-employed than the average worker. Underemployment is common in the arts, with one-third of artists working part-time; actors, dancers, and musicians experience high seasonal unemployment. The median annual income of artists is $30,000 – $6,000 less than that of other “professional” workers; dancers have the lowest median annual income—$15,000. Artists struggle to make ends meet and live below the standards of the rest of the American workforce. Despite the challenges, artists have a strong desire to create and innovate.

My Other Jobs
From cleaning toilets to working on Wall Street, these artists have done just about everything to balance the budget. Finding the right job that pays while enabling creativity and flexibility is a challenge for New York City artists where the rent is high and artist earnings are scarce.

Artist Teachers (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
Teaching can be a crucial source of regular income. For these artists, it’s also inspiring, important work that engages a different part of their creative selves.

Creating Opportunities (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
When the members of Chinese Theatre Works had a hard time juggling jobs and rehearsals, they took matters into their own hands. Now, with one member owning her own small business, the companies’ artists have an understanding boss and the flexibility to balance their work and art.

In the first two issues, MADE HERE explored the challenges of finding space and earning a living. In this issue of Family Balance, MADE HERE takes a look at how artists balance the demands of maintaining relationships and having families.

Artistic Couples
Balancing a relationship with an artistic career requires grace under pressure. For these artistic couples, passion and hard work is the key to meeting the dueling demands of love and art.

The Family Business (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
For this family, performing is more than a job—it’s a family business. Valda Setterfield, David Gordon and their son, Ain, have shared a life creating, critiquing, and collaborating on work that has, at times, nearly driven them mad and brought them closer together.

Parenthood (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
Raising a child in New York City is always a challenge. For performing artists the balancing act can get especially creative. Whether adding your kid to your cast or child-proofing a tour bus, these families are finding ingenious solutions despite limited time, space, and money.

MADE HERE explores the importance of activism in the performing arts. The artists in this issue have used their creativity to define their places in the world, while building and sometimes healing a community. They are bold risk-takers who deliver political messages and sometimes break the rules, but often with a healthy dose of humor.

These artists are connecting the performing arts with issues relevant to citizens of New York City and the world. At the heart of their bold work is a civic dialogue about gentrification, class, race, neighborhood politics, and community building.

Without Permission (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
Art is a platform where ideas can be discussed freely outside of the mainstream. Street theater, public interventions, online performance, and community-run spaces are some of the ways these artists express their citizenship without having to ask someone in a corner office for the time, space, and resources they need.

Artist as Activist (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
These artists are activists, but they aren’t just signing petitions. By moving their audiences with compelling stories, they build communities, wrestle with important sustainability issues, and make social and political change.

For the final issue of Season One, MADE HERE addresses the various applications and impacts of technology in the performing arts. Some artists have figured out particularly innovative ways to use technology in their performances. Some have been able to replace their office or even rehearsal room or stage because of technology. And opinion is split about whether technology, both onstage and online, has been a good or bad thing when it comes to audience attention span.

Technology has dramatically transformed the way we communicate, socialize, and participate. In the age of digital video, social media, and more, these artists are wrestling with the inescapable effect of technology on how to tell compelling stories about the human experience.

With the proliferation of low-cost democratic tools online, everyone can be their own producer, publisher, and marketing team. For these artists, new technologies are enabling an exciting freedom to create and disseminate work on their terms for new audiences.

Audience (this video link is currently broken; please check back later)
In a time of 24/7 connectivity, these performing artists are wrestling with how our new participatory culture is affecting the expectations of live audiences. Some embrace the change. Others work against it. What they share is a belief in the lasting importance of live performance and that people will always crave shared experience in a room with other people.

Creative New York

The Center for an Urban Future’s 2005 report “Creative New York” explores the economic contribution of New York’s vast creative sector.

Culture Builds New York: The Economic Impact of Capital Construction at New York City’s Cultural Institutions, 2003-2010

When the cultural institutions of a great city are themselves actively building new and expanded facilitates, it marks a high point of civilization. As this 2009 report shows such is the case in New York City now and for the past two decades.

Survey of NY’s Performing Artists and Cultural Facilities (2009)

A survey of cultural facilities in the five boroughs to assess the impact of the economic downturn on the two groups.

Harnessing Brooklyn’s Creative Capital

The Impact of Self-Employed Creative Professionals on the Borough’s Economy

Arts as an Industry: Their Economic Impact on New York City and New York State

This 2007 report shows that the arts industry has grown as a part of the economic life of New York City and is an integral part of the economy of the entire state of New York.

Manifesto on the Status of the Artist
This manifesto written by the FIM (International Federation of Musicians) and FIA (International Federation of Actors) looks at the status of artists internationally and outlines recommendations for policy change.

Asian American Arts NYC Report
Report from September 2009 looking at trends for Asian American artists in NYC

Mayors Office of Operations – My Neighborhood Statistics
This website provides searchable statistics for all New York City neighborhoods. It lets residents know how City agencies are performing in their neighborhood.

NYU Child Study Center: Multimedia Center
Videos produced by the NYU Child Study Center staff for families and educators of children with mental health disorders.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Arts Education in New York City Public Schools
The NYC Council’s report examines problems in arts education in NYC public schools.

Activist Resource
Provides internet resources to and about activist organizations in New York State.

Americans for the Arts: Institute for Community Development and the Arts monographs and special reports
This site provides a number of Monographs and special reports including information on Creative Economies, Arts Programming for At-Risk Youth, Arts in Hospitals and Arts and Religion.

PBS NOW. History of Political Theater
Documentary from PBS looks at the history of Political Theater in America.

Know Your Rights: Demonstrating in New York City
A booklet from the NYCLU outlining the rights involved in coordinating demonstrations, public protests and parades in NYC.

Hemispheric Institute
A consortium of institutions, artists, scholars, and activists throughout the Americas working to promote vibrant interactions and collaborations at the level of scholarship, art practice, and pedagogy among practitioners interested in the relationship between performance and politics in the hemisphere.

Fostering Civic Engagement through Culture & Arts Animating Democracy
Americans for the Arts Animating Democracy project provides case studies of projects which successfully used civic engagement and the arts. It also provides a publication with a collection of worksheets and tools to help plan engagement activities.

A Social Media Measurement Plan
Information on how to check, track, calculate and analyze the impact of your social media plan.

Technology in the Arts
Managed by the Center for Arts Management and Technology at Carnegie Mellon, this website, blog, workshop and podcast series focuses on the intersection of technology and the arts.

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
This study from The Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network looks at different scenarios for the future of technology and development and how it could challenge and change the world.

Watershed Innovation & Research
Based in the UK, Watershed has explored numerous projects looking at the potential of culture and technology all of which have been documented on their website.

Audiences Thirst for ‘Digital Theatre’
Recent UK research from the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, looks at the audience’s response to seeing a live broadcast of a theater production.

UC Berkeley Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
An annual forum for presenting new ideas that challenge conventional wisdom about technology and culture. The site contains abstracts for all speakers since 1997.

In Media Res: Why Multimedia Performance
From the Performing Arts Journal, a transcript of a 2007 conversation with Alex Timbers, Brooke O’Harra, and Eric Dyer about why they use media in their artistic work.

V2_ Publishing
The publishing arm of the Rotterdam art and media technology center V2_ has a diverse catalogue of books about art, new media and media theory.

Society for Arts and Technology [Metalab]
Located in Montréal, the SAT[Metalab] is a research laboratory developing software and hardware that assists in the creation and diffusion of digital culture. Current projects include research on telepresence and immersion.

BEK: Bergen Center for Electronic Arts
Located in Norwary, this center for arts and new technology has international collaborations and artistic and scientific research available on their website.

ARS Electronica
Located in Germany, Ars Electronica has been exploring the digital and new media art since 1979. Their website contains an extensive archive of digital media art from their founding.

Contemporary Performance
An online resource for artists, scholars and audiences interested in the hybrid performance works and artists that travel between the fields of Experimental Theatre & Dance, Video Art, Visual Art, Music Composition and Performance art without adhering to one specific field’s practice.

A social networking website connecting people interested in innovation, creative processes, collaborations and the impact of new media technology and interdisciplinary approaches on the performance of movement and life.

Known for their award-winning real-time media manipulation software TroikaTronix has created other live performance tools to download for use by artists, video designers, scenographers and VJs.

ITP at Tisch
The Interactive Telecommunications Program at Tisch is a graduate program dedicated to creativity and critical thinking applied to new technologies.

MFA in New Media Art and Performance
This program, located at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University, gives students the opportunity to engage with new media and the arts. Coursework is focused on the development of new works for the stage, screen, gallery, public space and the web.

Performance & Interactive Media Arts
Brooklyn College offers both an MFA and an Advanced Certificate in Performance & Interactive Media Arts. Both cutting-edge programs explore collaborative, experimental, and transdisciplinary artistic production. Be sure to also join their online discussion group for information on interactivity, performance and digital media around the world!

MA in Media Studies at The New School
The New School offers an MA in media studies that has its students both creating and studying media. Their diverse program offers many areas of study allowing their students to pick an interdisciplinary program that suits them.