Made HERE: Season 4
Should I stay in New York City? Should I even stay in the arts? These are two major questions that many artists in New York struggle with over the course of their careers. For MADE HERE’s final issue, we look at how performing artists have answered these questions and what factors have kept them not only in the arts, but also in New York City.
In The Arts
For many artists, working in the arts is not a choice, but something they had to do in order to feel fulfilled in their lives. In this episode, artists discuss what has kept them in the arts, despite the doubts and obstacles they have faced.
New York is one of the most expensive and exhausting cities to live in, yet it continues to be the home for hundreds of thousands of performing artists. The artists in this episode explain what has kept them in New York City and what has made them consider leaving.
Working Elsewhere
Many NYC-based artists work and travel outside the city in order to advance their careers. In this episode, artists discuss their experiences traveling and working outside of the city they call home.
For this issue, MADE HERE asks artists what has influenced their work. Artists find inspiration in many different places: their environments, their pasts, people in their lives, and other artists. The individuals in these episodes discuss how art impacted their childhood, how mentors helped shape their careers, and what influences they have drawn from to create their own aesthetic.
An artist’s formative years can have a big impact on the work they create as an adult. Some artists know that art is their path from a young age and begin to create and perform even as children. In this episode, artists discuss how they expressed their creativity as kids and how their desire to perform eventually led to a career in the arts.
Finding a mentor is often an integral part of an artist’s journey. Mentors not only open doors for young artists, but they can also inspire them and help them realize their dreams. These artists discuss how they found their mentors and how their mentors helped shape their careers.
There are many factors that influence how artists find their aesthetic. Where an artist finds inspiration varies greatly from person to person. The artists in this episode discuss how they formed their own unique vision.
For the issue of gender & sexuality, MADE HERE explores the challenges that women face working in the art world, how gender and sexuality are portrayed on stage, and how they inform an artist’s work. The artists in these episodes share their struggles and personal stories of navigating gender and sexuality while creating art.
Women In Arts
Over the years, women have made many strides in the art world, yet there is still significant gender disparity. While many women have achieved great success, men continue to dominate at awards shows, receive better pay, and get the majority of the plum jobs. In this episode, women artists discuss their personal experiences and the role they feel gender has played in their careers.
On Stage
Even today, artists are pushing the boundaries of how gender and sexuality are portrayed on stage, creating controversial and sometimes shocking performances that can make audiences uncomfortable. How gender is portrayed has broadened and shifted through the years, but gender stereotypes still persist.
Many art communities have embraced gay culture and openly incorporated it into their work. However, a lot of mainstream art on TV and in film has still not fully accepted gay culture and gay performers. How does sexuality truly impact a performer’s work? Does sexuality define an artist?
For MADE HERE’s final episode, we asked artists what advice they would give to performing artists just starting their career. While the answers varied greatly from artist to artist, there was one consistent theme: no matter what medium you work in, make sure you are passionate about what you do.
Right Here NYC
A database that lists actors, musicians, artists and writers who have lived in NYC and where they lived in the city.
Still Kicking: Aging Performing Artists in NYC and LA Metro Areas
A study on aging performing artists, 62 and above, in LA and NYC. The study covers income, health insurance, legacy, retirement, career satisfaction and much more.
The Creativity Crisis: The Decreasing in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
Research that shows the decline in creative thinking in America.
The Wonder Years
A list of ways to encourage children’s creativity based off research that found creative individuals tended to grow up in families that encourages uniqueness yet provided stability.
Creativity and the Everyday Brain with Rex Jung
An interview with neurologist Rex Jung where he discusses how family life can impact creativity.
The Encyclopedia of Women of Theatre
A constantly-expanding reference database of women who have contributed to the world of theatre prior to 1900.
Gender Discrimination in the Performing Arts
A slide show that explores and gives examples of both male and female gender discrimination in the performing arts.
The National Museum of Women in the Arts
Located in Washington, D.C., The National Museum of Women in the Arts is the only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to recognizing the contributions of female artists.
WomenArts – Grants For Individual Theatre Artists
WomenArts offers a wealth of information, links, comprehensive articles, a vast resource of network listings, and grants list, just for starters. It’s an invaluable resource for any women in the theatre or performing arts, and was assembled by and for female artists.
NYU’s Downtown Collection
A research collection at New York University that is preserving the archives of Dennis Cooper, David Wojnarowicz, Tim Dlugos, David Trinidad, and others involved in the Queer scene of the last 25 years. Available for public use.
Report on the Status of Women: A Limited Engagement?
A three-year research initiative assessing the status of women in theatre.