#stillHERE Online


Oct 16-Dec 16

Flight brings together performers and audiences from anywhere in the world in order to investigate expansive global issues and tiny revelatory moments in real time. We visit with people around the world and get to know them in their own environments and in their own words. Carefully blending reality and filmic fantasy, Flight creates an experience that is a performance, a community event, and a conversation.

In 2018, Anonymous Ensemble envisioned a new kind of live performance that could bring together performers from anywhere in the world to create real time shows for audiences in theaters and in homes worldwide via the internet. In 2019, the company began developing the technologies and techniques that could make this vision a reality through monthly webcasts of Flight. When the pandemic hit in early 2020, this work in creating decentralized, internet-based theatrical medium suddenly became a worldwide necessity for live performance. Join as we cautiously wing our way back into the physical venue at HERE, a beloved artistic home of the downtown NYC theater community, and simultaneously explore sister spaces in Bogota, Copenhagen, and Melbourne. We invite all our winged friends, predators and prey alike, to flock together in Flight!

Premiering Oct 16 at 1pm
Available through December 16.

Purchase a ticket at your desired level to receive the password for the recording of Flight above.
$5-50 Pay What You Wish

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