Photo by Carl Skutsch
Lush Valley
September 8 - 24, 2011
“An interactive live art event, Lush Valley invites audience members to abandon their spectator hats and become key players in shaping an alternative national ethos through real-time video interviews, citizenship tests, lectures, voting and historical hallucinations. Have a hand in building Lush Valley, your own idyllic-yet-realizable society, and rediscover this country as the home of differences.
With additional support from the NYSCA Individual Artists Program, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, Baruch College, NACL, and Voice & Vision. Production design support provided by The Edith Lutyens and Norman Bel Geddes Design Enhancement Fund, a program of the Alliance of Resident Theatres/New York (A.R.T./New York).