Qualified Alien
A puppet and their assistant petition to join the circus. Rosa Douglas and Ben Elling light a candle for the meritocracy in this short puppet play, adapted for screen.
Qualified Alien premiered via screening on September 11 at 1pm.
Access to the piece is available by RSVP below; make your donation to receive the password and enter it in the first Vimeo video below, through December 11.
Then, check out Ben and Rosa in conversation about their piece below.
Qualified Alien is available for viewing any time, with a donation, through December 11.
Pay-What-You-Can: $5-50
Rosa Douglas is a collector and creator. She uses found treasures and reimagined trash to create strange and beautiful puppet-creatures. Her work has been shown in theaters in New York City and across the UK.
Ben Elling is a set designer, puppeteer and technician. He has a passion for visual theater and has performed in Basil Twist’s Rite of Spring, and Symphonie Fantastique at HERE.