The Smartest Kids on Earth: Taught by Mr. Fox
Mr. Fox is inches away from throwing in the towel on his life. He migrated to the US, lost the love of his life, and only in his early thirties he doesn’t appear to have much to offer. He is considerably shy of a stable income, and miles short from any of his childhood dreams. And this guy is here to teach the 6th grade what he knows in the best way he can! What could possibly go wrong…
Nicholas Richardson is an actor/writer from England. He received his BA from Bristol University in Television, Film and Theater Theory and an MA in Acting from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He has worked professionally in television with networks such as Hulu, Fox Searchlight, and Comedy Central TV, and has an extensive background in theater and film.
This production is produced in association with The Dead End Kids, a theater company founded in 2019 that is dedicated to staging no-frills productions in which integrity to storytelling is paramount. It’s founding members include Renee Gagner, Charlie McElveen, KC Clyde, and Ty Mayberry.