
This is a Face

March 28, 2025

B, a potter, is content with their life as an artist and spouse until their partner, K, asks for a special commission. K, buckling under the grief of their gender transition leaving them looking near-identical to their abuser, asks for a vitally important, impossible creation: a new face.


Friday, March 28, 2025, 8:30 PM

Runtime: 80-85 minutes

Complimentary Tickets but please RSVP

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About the Artists:

Ten Toes Theater Collective is a collaborative group of trans theater artists producing community events through new-play readings. It supports grassroots organizations across the 31 states with proposed anti-trans legislation. This collective has ten toes planted firmly on the earth to further the livelihood and well-being of trans folks across state lines.

J.C. Pankratz (they/them) is a trans and queer writer making plays about the body, power, and the more-than-human world.  Their plays are Mortals (Playwrights’ Center Public Season 2025; Pridefest at The Tank), Eat Your Young (INK’D Festival; workshop production, Boston Playwrights’ Theatre), Little Kingdom (2nd Place, Mark Twain Playwriting Award; Distinguished Achievement, Paula Vogel Playwriting Award), Seahorse (2021 FMM Fellowship for Works in Heightened Language), and Redeemer Mine (Finalist, O’Neill Playwrights Conference). They have been a Core Apprentice with the Playwrights’ Center, a Writing Fellow with the Playwrights Realm, and a Visionary Playwright with Theatremasters. They are a proud member of Theatreworkers for a Ceasefire and join culture workers across the globe in the demanding liberation for Palestine.